The ICO exists to empower you through information.

Early exit strategy

One of the terms of participation is for you to develop an exit strategy, should you need to terminate your participation earlier than expected. This exit strategy requires our approval as part of the bespoke plan. This ensures the minimal detriment to data subjects, for example if live testing of real data has begun. You should consider this condition prior to applying to join the Sandbox.

Planned exit

The length of your Sandbox participation will depend on your organisation, the complexity of your innovation project and the data protection challenges that you require support on. An approximate exit date from the Sandbox engagement will be agreed prior to your participation beginning, however we will try to keep this date flexible, subject to our team’s capacity.

The maximum length of engagement we can offer is currently 12 months, but we are open to considerably shorter engagements.

Before exiting, we will arrange a final meeting with you to discuss any outstanding queries, evaluate progress and to obtain your feedback on the Sandbox more generally. Following this, we will send you an exit report that summarises the process and the key activity that was undertaken and, if agreed at that time and appropriate to do so, a statement of regulatory comfort.